Titchie Dorms
The Titchie portion of our campus utilizes three to four family-style dorms for middle to upper elementary students. These homes are arranged with roomy kitchens, dining areas, and shared living spaces where dorm parents and students reside as a large family. Upper levels of the homes feature bedrooms, bathrooms, and an open study area.
Titchie dorm parents are deeply involved in their students’ lives, helping them manage homework and instrument practice, attending school events, cheering them on at sports matches and musical performances, and leading them in daily devotions.

“As a dorm mom, I am beyond encouraged when parents of our dorm girls remind me that they couldn’t do what they do if we weren’t here. Knowing that my role loving and supporting these girls is allowing the gospel to go out among unreached peoples and bring Christ the glory He deserves is what makes me excited to be at RVA.” –Megan Hood, RVA dorm parent
Junior High Dorms
RVA’s four junior high dorms each contain a wing with student bedrooms and bathrooms, a lounge area in which students can hang out, and a dorm kitchen for baking cookies or making a late-night bowl of pasta.
Dorm parents of junior highers foster a high level of interaction with their dorm kids. They help students with school work and projects, meet with their teachers, attend performances and games, and disciple them in individual and small group settings.

“The fact that our children have you is another source of comfort. Thank you for the great investment that you are making in their lives.” –Letter to RVA Staff from a parent
High School Dorms
Twelve dorms serve our high school students, structured in a manner similar to college housing, with student living and sleeping areas attached to a dorm parent apartment. Students have regular access to the apartment and often make the dorm parents’ living and dining areas their own.
High school dorm parents disciple their students, support their academic needs, cheer them on in matches and performances, and lead them in devotional studies. Dorm parents act on the importance of living alongside and investing in their dorm kids, while fostering their students’ growing independence.

Additional Dorm Information
All students eat their meals in the school cafeteria (with Titchie students sharing a couple family-style meals in the dorm each week) and have their clothing and bedding cleaned in school laundry facilities. Dorm families celebrate birthdays, enjoy social gatherings and activities, contribute to the daily upkeep of the dorm, and have regular devotional times together.