Titchie Swot
At RVA, we seek to educate and nurture our youngest students with excellence and purpose. Our elementary school, Titchie Swot (Little Learner), serves about 120 students, kindergarten through sixth grade.
Titchie Swot utilizes a North American regimen with a full complement of Bible, art, physical education, and music curricula, including sixth grade band and daily access to a computer lab and library. Students attend chapel on Wednesdays and Fridays, and participate in sports, dramatic and musical performances, cultural field trips, and service to the greater Kijabe community.

“It is such a privilege to incorporate God’s truth into every lesson, and I absolutely love to hear my students pray. Someone has said these are the best kids in the world. I would have to agree.” –Joyellen Hazard, RVA teacher