Philosophy and Mission
RVA Mission Statement
Educating and discipling students toward their potential in Christ
thus enabling families to serve.
As RVA students grow holistically,
they learn how to apply biblical truth in the world around them,
develop God-given abilities to impact the world for Christ,
and lead healthy lives that contribute positively in their communities.
Apply Biblical Truth and Develop Intellectually
It is our aim that RVA graduates possess a clear understanding of the essential truths of the Christian faith, articulate their spiritual convictions, and apply biblical principles and knowledge in all areas of life.
The ideal graduate successfully utilizes resources, thinks critically, is organized and disciplined, possesses essential skills and knowledge across the academic program, and is equipped to further his/her education and to pursue viable career options.

Develop and express God-given abilities
We endeavor that RVA graduates will understand their purpose of glorifying God, and will appreciate the biblical basis for their value as persons made in God’s image.
We aim to help them identify and develop their spiritual gifts, unique abilities, and leadership skills, and find value and creative expression in the fine and applied arts. Furthermore, the ideal RVA graduate develops relationships with spiritual mentors, actively participates in spiritual ministry, and supports people in his or her community.
Lead Healthy Lives
We endeavor that our graduates exhibit Christ-like character traits, practice personal disciplines which promote spiritual growth, and participate in God’s work around the world.
It is our aim that our graduates maintain physical health and fitness, practice skills for independent and family living, and demonstrate personal responsibility and effective time management. We seek to help them handle emotions in a healthy manner, demonstrate effective social skills and sensitivity to others, resolve conflict well, and live in a manner consistent with biblical principles and cultural context. Ultimately, we purpose that our graduates transition well to life beyond RVA.

“Teaching at RVA feels like an investment in the future of missions. With a disproportionately large percentage of RVA grads returning to missions or full-time Christian ministry after college, participating in guiding these MKs through their teen years is an honor and a privilege.” –Sheri Daubenmier, RVA teacher
RVA Belief Statements
2. God is ultimately responsible for the success and impact of the ministry of RVA.
3. Each person is a unique reflection of the image of God and has been given unique gifts and abilities.
4. A vibrant Christian faith is demonstrated to others through loving words and actions of service that stem from a Christ-like attitude.
5. Integrity, institutional and individual, is essential in all that we do.
6. Maintaining strong and balanced family and interpersonal relationships is essential to fostering a healthy school and ministry environment.
8. God is the source and revealer of all truth; well-designed Christian education enhances one’s ability to think critically from a biblical worldview.
9. A holistic approach to education addresses the intellectual, emotional, social, physical and spiritual aspects.
10. Genuine community requires an environment where diversity can be appropriately expressed and validated, while unity in the body of Christ is maintained.
Click here to read the full Graduate Profile
RVA Ends Statement:
Updated and Approved October 2015 by the RVA School Board1.0 AIM International members enabled to serve; RVA students discipled toward their potential at a reasonable cost.
1. RVA students think Biblically and develop intellectually:
1.1.1 Understand Biblical truth and its application
1.1.2 Exhibit measurable academic growth, in knowledge and skills, across the academic program
1.1.3 Successfully access next-tier opportunities in line with their abilities and interests.
1.2 RVA students express their gifts and talents in a God-honoring manner;
1.2.1 Discover their unique, God-given abilities
1.2.2 Intentionally develop their unique, God-given abilities
1.2.3 Share their unique, God-given abilities
1.3 RVA students live responsibly as individuals and in community:
1.3.1 Manage their spiritual, physical, social and emotional health well
1.3.2 Relate positively and compassionately with others including those of different age, position, ability and background Understand Islam and Muslims
1.3.3 Transition well as they move beyond RVA
RVA Graduate Profile
Completed June 1, 2001 by the Graduate Profile Committee and the 2001 RVA Staff; Revised by the AFG Planning Team and Approved October 2006 by the RVA School Board; Major revision and alignment with Ends, January 2015
There were two possible approaches to writing the Graduate Profile: to develop a document of graduate outcomes that all students should achieve, or to develop a document of the ideal graduate. This document represents the ideal of what we hope our graduates will look like. A concern from the outset was that this document not be a legalistic document or one that turns RVA into a factory producing the exact same product repeatedly. To that end, the following statements were made about what the ‘Graduate Profile’ is and is not.
The ‘Graduate Profile’ is:
An ideal toward which we direct the student.
A tool to assess the extent to which we are accomplishing our vision.
The ‘Graduate Profile’ is not:
A graduation requirement.
A “cookie cutter.”
A tool to pass judgment on individual students.
A student self-assessment standard.
Recognizing that achieving this profile in the lives of the RVA students is an impossible task, we make the following disclaimer:
“We rejoice that ultimately the spiritual success of our students does not rest in our hands but is determined by the will and work of God.”
The Graduate Profile Outcomes
- Graduates of RVA will have completed a high school education consistent with a biblical worldview and will demonstrate the skills necessary for life-long learning.
- Graduates of RVA will identify and develop their individual gifts, talents and abilities in ways that glorify God.
- Graduates of RVA will practice habits necessary for maintaining spiritual and physical health, will be emotionally well-balanced, and will be able to relate well toward others.
A. Graduates of RVA will have completed a high school education consistent with a biblical worldview and will demonstrate the skills necessary for life-long learning.
Graduates will:
- Have a clear understanding of the essential truths of the Christian faith as laid out in the Scriptures, particularly the gospel of Jesus Christ and the transformed life in Christ that results from a right relationship with Him.
- Articulate their spiritual convictions and the basis for these.
- Appropriately apply biblical principles and knowledge to facts, theories, and ethical issues in all areas of education and life.
- Locate, manage, and use informational and technological resources for data gathering, processing, analysis, and communication.
- Apply critical thinking skills and problem-solving techniques that enhance the ability to form logical conclusions and make informed decisions across all disciplines.
- Demonstrate the organizational skills and discipline necessary for effective work habits, whether working individually or in groups.
- Read, write, listen, and speak effectively in English.
- Communicate in a language other than English.
- Apply necessary math skills for problem solving and the gathering, processing, and analyzing of data.
- Demonstrate an understanding of and apply the scientific method and science concepts and theories to scientific investigations and current scientific topics.
- Demonstrate an understanding and respect of local, national, and global societies, past and present, and the individual’s role within these.
- Consider the influence current events have on the global scene and identify avenues for responding to such influences.
- Demonstrate the skills necessary to locate and evaluate vocational information in order to pursue career options.
- Be equipped to continue education consistent with that graduate’s gifts and abilities.
B. Graduates of RVA will identify and develop their individual gifts, talents and abilities in ways that glorify God.
Graduates will:
- Recognize that, according to Scripture, man’s purpose in life is to glorify God with an emphasis on the spiritual condition of the heart rather than external actions.
- Appreciate the biblical basis for their uniqueness and value as individuals fashioned in the image of God.
- Recognize and develop spiritual gifts.
- Recognize and develop their own unique abilities.
- Recognize and develop leadership skills.
- Creatively express themselves in and recognize the value of the fine and applied arts.
- Develop relationships with spiritual mentors.
- Voluntarily participate in spiritual ministry.
- Engage in supporting and encouraging people within their communities.
C. Graduates of RVA will practice habits necessary for maintaining spiritual and physical health, will be emotionally well-balanced, and will be able to relate well toward others.
Graduates will:
- Practice personal disciplines that contribute to spiritual growth.
- Recognize and practice prayer and a godly lifestyle as an effective means of impacting the world for the glory of God, with a focus on unreached people groups.
- Voluntarily participate in spiritual fellowship regularly.
- Display Christ-like character traits.
- Demonstrate discernment and wisdom in making decisions while recognizing the importance of seeking God’s direction.
- Demonstrate awareness of and participate in the work God is doing around the world.
- Maintain physical health by undergoing routine checkups and practicing healthy eating, exercise, hygiene, and sleeping habits.
- Possess the knowledge and physical skills necessary to maintain personal fitness and to participate in recreational activities.
- Practice basic skills for independent and family living.
- Demonstrate self-discipline, dependability, commitment, and self-evaluation in completing responsibilities.
- Practice effective time management as demonstrated by diligent completion of responsibilities, balanced with time for leisure.
- Process and express emotions in a healthy manner.
- Demonstrate appropriate etiquette and social skills, particularly within a cross-cultural, cross-gender, and cross-generational context.
- Demonstrate sensitivity to the needs, opinions, and concerns of others while holding to biblical and personal convictions.
- Respect the rights and property of others.
- Relate to authority with understanding and respect.
- Resolve conflict appropriately.
- Demonstrate behavior and dress consistent with biblical principles and appropriate within the cultural context.
- Transition well socially, culturally, and educationally to life beyond RVA.
Click here to read the Accreditation Objectives
By the year 2023, all students will demonstrate improved Study Skills including organization and time management as measured by…
1. A 50% decrease in the percentage of secondary students performing below target level* on any individually assessed item on the RVA Secondary Teacher Assessment of Student Organizational/Learning Skills Skills (based on a 1 to 2 point scale where 1 means “does not meet or partially meets expectations” and 2 means “meets or exceeds expectations”).
*Below target level defined as 2 or more teachers scoring the student at a 1 for that item.
Baseline Year: 2015-2016 School Year
Baseline Data: (Percent of students below target level)
Listens attentively
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 29%
Target: 14.5%
Reads and follows directions
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 26%
Target: 13%
Writes neatly and legibly
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 13%
Target: 6.5%
Completes work on time
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 19%
Target: 9.5%
Actively engages in class
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: TBD
Target: TBD
Seeks appropriate help
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: TBD
Target: TBD%
Acts upon constructive criticism
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 10%
Target: 5%
Is prepared for class
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 13%
Target: 6.5%
Organizes class resources and materials effectively
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 13%
Target: 6.5%
2. A 50% decrease in the percentage of students performing below target level* on any individually assessed item on the RVA Elementary Teacher Assessment of Student Organizational/Learning Skills Skills (based on a 1 to 2 point scale where 1 means “does not meet or partially meets expectations” and 2 means “meets or exceeds expectations”).
*Below target level defined as 1 teacher scoring the student at a 1 for that item.
Baseline Year: 2015-2016 School Year
Baseline Data: (Percent of students below target level)
Listens attentively
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 35%
Target: 17.5%
Reads and follows directions
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 34%
Target: 17%
Writes neatly and legibly
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 25%
Target: 12.5%
Completes work on time
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 17%
Target: 8.5%
Works cooperatively with others
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 18%
Target: 9%
Is able to work independently
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 13%
Target: 6.5%
Acts upon constructive criticism
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 21%
Target: 10.5%
Is prepared for class
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 12%
Target: 6%
Organizes class resources and materials effectively
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 22%
Target: 11%
3. A decrease to no more than 20% of students reporting that they “Disagree” or “Very Strongly Disagree” to MKWI questions “I normally get enough sleep so that I am not tired in my classes.” (MKWI Q58) and “School does not regularly stress me out.” (MKWI Q69)
Baseline Year: 2014-2015 (May 2015 administration of survey)
Baseline Data: Percent of students who “disagree” or “very strongly disagree”
“I normally get enough sleep so that I am not tired in my classes.” (MKWI Q58)
May 2015: 33%
Target: 20%
“School does not regularly stress me out.” (MKWI Q69)
May 2015: 35%
Target: 20%
4. A 50% decrease in the percentage of students in grades 7-12 scoring below the minimum target (30 out of 50 possible points) based on the RVA Study Skills Questionnaire.
Baseline Year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data: (Percent of students below minimum target level)
Managing Your Time
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 53%
Target: 26.5%
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 48%
Target: 24%
Preparing for Tests
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 23%
Target: 11.5%
Reading a Textbook
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 59%
Target: 29.5%
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 33%
Target: 16.5%
Taking Notes
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 71%
Target: 35.5%
Objective #2 (Critical Thinking)
By 2023, all students will apply critical thinking skills that enhance the ability to form logical conclusions and make informed decisions across all disciplines, while demonstrating sensitivity to the needs, opinions, and concerns of others while holding to biblical and personal convictions, as evidenced by…
1. At least 60% of returning students will improve from below average to average OR average to above average on Stanford Achievement Tests Thinking Skills Measures.
Baseline Year: 2014-2015 school year to 2015-2016 school year
Baseline Data: (Percent of students who improved based on number who improved divided by number who could improve – i.e. they were not already at above average)
Disaggregated for Grades 4 through 6
Language Mechanics Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 37%
Target: 60%
Math Procedures Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 49%
Target: 60%
Math Problem Solving Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 28%
Target: 60%
Reading Comprehension Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 27%
Target: 60%
Reading Vocabulary Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 57%
Target: 60%
Science Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 55%
Target: 60%
Social Studies Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 21%
Target: 60%
Disaggregated for Grades 7 through 8
Language Mechanics Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 19%
Target: 60%
Math Procedures Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 46%
Target: 60%
Math Problem Solving Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 55%
Target: 60%
Reading Comprehension Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 38%
Target: 60%
Reading Vocabulary Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 37%
Target: 60%
Science Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 64%
Target: 60%
Social Studies Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 46%
Target: 60%
2. No more than 10% of returning students will digress from average to below average OR above average to average or below average on Stanford Achievement Tests Thinking Skills Measures.
Baseline Year: 2014-2015 school year to 2015-2016 school year
Baseline Data: (Percent of students who digressed based on number who digressed divided by number who could digress – i.e. they were not already at below average)
Disaggregated for Grades 4 through 6
Language Mechanics Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 21%
Target: 10%
Math Procedures Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 5%
Target: 10%
Math Problem Solving Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 8%
Target: 10%
Reading Comprehension Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 12%
Target: 10%
Reading Vocabulary Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 19%
Target: 10%
Science Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 20%
Target: 10%
Social Studies Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 37%
Target: 10%
Disaggregated for Grades 7 through 8
Language Mechanics Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 25%
Target: 10%
Math Procedures Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 11%
Target: 10%
Math Problem Solving Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 11%
Target: 10%
Reading Comprehension Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 10%
Target: 10%
Reading Vocabulary Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 25%
Target: 10%
Science Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 8%
Target: 10%
Social Studies Thinking Skills
2014-2015 to 2015-2016: 8%
Target: 10%
3. 85% of students will show improvement in Critical Thinking subscores on the PSAT between their sophomore and junior years
Baseline year: 2015-2016 (initial data not available until January, growth data not available until the following year).
Baseline Data:
% showing improvement in Critical Reading Skills
(Note: average difference between 10th and 11th grade students was 0.5 out of 38)
% showing improvement in Analysis in History/ Social Studies
(Note: average difference between 10th and 11th grade students was 0.5 out of 38)
% showing improvement in Analysis in Science
(Note: average difference between 10th and 11th grade students was 0.3 out of 38)
% showing improvement in Command of Evidence
(Note: average difference between 10th and 11th grade students was 0.3 out of 15)
4. 75% of students who take the SAT will score equal to or above the US national benchmarks.
Baseline year: 2015-2016 (initial data not available until end of 2015-2016 school year)
Baseline Data: (based on scores for juniors in 2016, then on senior Super Scores thereafter)
% scored higher than the national mean in Critical Reading Skills
% scored higher than the national mean in Analysis in History/Social Studies
% scored higher than the national mean in Analysis in Science
% scored higher than the national mean in Command of Evidence
5. 85% students will score 21 out of 28 possible points on assignments graded using the adapted Washington State University Rubric for Critical Thinking applied across different subject areas.
Baseline year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data: (based on field tests in selected classes)
Initial sampling gathered:
Grade 6 59% scored at least 21 of 28
High School (CWI) 40% scored at least 21 of 28
6. 95% of students will maintain or improve their score from year to year on the English Department Analysis Writing Assignment.
Baseline Year: 2014-2015 to 2015-2016
Baseline Data: Initial data gathered and compiled. Growth data will be available with new data from this year. For current 9th grade class, 60% of students maintained or improved their score.
7. 90% of all students (7-12) who take the MKWI (Missionary Kid Wellness Inventory) will respond “Agree” or “Very Strongly Agree” to the question “I am able to listen to and consider the ideas and opinions of others though they may differ from mine” (MKWI Q26).
Baseline Year: 2014-2015 (May 2015 administration of survey)
Baseline Data: Percent of students who “agree” or “very strongly agree”
Junior High
May 2015: 74%
Target: 90%
High School
May 2015: 83%
Target: 90%
Objective #3 (Gifts and Talents)
By 2023, all RVA students will discover, develop, and express their spiritual gifts, natural abilities, learned skills, and interests in a God-honoring manner and successfully access related next-tier opportunities (i.e. students will be able to answer the questions, “What am I good at and where does it take me?”), as evidenced by…
Discovering Gifts and Talents Measures
1. 95% of seniors will respond “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” on the Graduating Senior Survey (GSS) to the question “I am able to identify at least three (3) key venues that have helped me TO DISCOVER my gifts and/or talents while at RVA.”
Baseline Year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data: 73% (based on GSS field test in February 2016)
2. 90% of all students (7-12) who take the MKWI (Missionary Kid Wellness Survey) will respond “Agree” or “Very Strongly Agree” to the question “I can name one or two things I am good at” (MKWI Q49).
Baseline Year: 2014-2015 (survey administered in May 2015)
Baseline Data: Percent of students who “agree” or “very strongly agree”
May 2015: 80%
Target: 90%
3. 95% of students will have completed the three (3) self-assessments from Naviance AchieveWorks as prescribed below.
Baseline Year: 2014-2015 school year
Baseline Data: (Percent of students in grade who completed the self-assessment)
a. Learning Style Inventory (6th grade, 9th grade, 11th grade)
6th grade
2015: 0%
Target: 95%
9th grade
2015: 0%
Target: 95%
11th grade
2015: 0%
Target: 95%
Baseline Data: 0%
b. Multiple Intelligence Advantage (8th through 11th grade)
8th Grade
2015: 0%
Target: 95%
10th Grade
2015: 0%
Target: 95%
c. Self Discovery Assessment (9th through 11th grade)
9th Grade
2015: 0%
Target: 95%
11th Grade
2015: 0%
Target: 95%
Developing Gifts and Talents Measures
4. 95% of seniors will respond “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” on the Graduating Senior Survey (GSS) to the question “I have had adequate opportunity to be intentional about DEVELOPING my gifts and/or talents at RVA?”
Baseline Year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data: 73% (based on GSS field test in February 2016)
5. 95% of seniors will respond “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” on the Graduating Senior Survey (GSS) to the question “I am able to describe at least two structured settings available to me that I have pursued TO DEVELOP my personal gifts and/or talents while at RVA.”
Baseline Year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data: 84% (based on GSS field test in February 2016)
6. 90% of all students (7-8) who take the MKWI (Missionary Kid Wellness Survey) will respond “Agree” or “Very Strongly Agree” to the question “I have opportunities to develop in my areas of interest” (MKWI Q63).
Baseline Year: 2014-2015
Baseline Data: Percent of students who “agree” or “very strongly agree”
May 2015: 79%
Target: 90%
7. 80% of all students (9-12) who take the MKWI (Missionary Kid Wellness Survey) will respond “Agree” or “Very Strongly Agree” to the question “I have opportunities to develop in my areas of interest.” (MKWI Q63).
Baseline Year: 2014-2015
Baseline Data: Percent of students who “agree” or “very strongly agree”
May 2015: 50%
Target: 80%
Expressing Gifts and Talents Measure
8. 95% of seniors will respond “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” on the Graduating Senior Survey (GSS) to the question “I feel that I have had adequate opportunity TO EXPRESS my particular gifts and/or talents at RVA?”
Baseline Year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data: 80% (based on GSS field test in February 2016)
9. 80% of all students (7-12) who take the MKWI (Missionary Kid Wellness Survey) will respond “Agree” or “Very Strongly Agree” to the question “I have at least one course in my schedule each term that allows me to demonstrate my strengths” (Q72).
Baseline Year: 2014-2015
Baseline Data: Percent of students who “agree” or “very strongly agree”
May 2015: 71%
Target: 80%
Successfully Accessing Related Next-Tier Opportunities
10. 95% of seniors answered “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” on the Graduating Senior Survey (GSS) to a question about whether or not they had several good options (college, career or gap year) to choose from after completing their secondary education.
Baseline Year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data: 80% (based on GSS field test in February 2016)
Objective #4 (Staff Development)
By 2023, RVA will develop and improve the process of staff training and growth in order to enhance student learning and promote a healthy environment of intellectual discourse, as evidenced by…
Professional Development:
1. 95% of Secondary Teaching Staff utilize the Professional Growth Matrix (Junior High & High School) to develop personal professional growth plans.
Baseline Year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data: (Percent of staff using matrix to develop personal professional growth plans)
2015-2016: 0%
Target: 95%
2. 95% of Elementary Teaching Staff utilize the Elementary Teacher Professional Growth Matrix to develop personal professional growth plans.
Baseline Year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data: (Percent of staff using matrix to develop personal professional growth plans)
2015-2016: 0%
Target: 95%
3. 95% of Teachers (within identified core departments) participate in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
Baseline Year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data: (Percent of staff participating in PLCs)
2015-2016: 0%
Target: 95%
4. 90% of Sports Coaches receive training on character building (sportsmanship) and how to bring faith into coaching through RVA internal training.
Baseline Year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data: (Percent of coaches receiving training on character building)
2015-2016: 0%
Target: 90%
Intellectual Discourse:
5. 95% of RVA staff members will apply the concept of intellectual fair-mindedness through written responses to the intellectual fairmindedness training.
Baseline Year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data: (Percent of staff completing written responses to intellectual fairmindedness training)
2015-2016: 0%
Target: 95%
6. 80% of courses within selected academic departments will include elements of intellectual discourse within their curriculum or annual plans.
Baseline Year: 2015-2016
Baseline Data:
Bible: 0% of courses
Language Arts: 0% of courses
Mathematics: 0% of courses
Science: 0% of courses
Social Studies: 0% of courses
World Languages: 0% of courses