Spiritual Development & Outreach
Spiritual Development
We love because God first loved us.
Our highest responsibility and richest privilege at RVA is the task of nurturing our students in their love for and likeness to Christ. RVA staff members seek to root our students in the knowledge of how utterly they are known and loved by God. We foster this conviction through daily life as dorm families, discipleship, dorm devotions, Christ-centered classroom environments, a variety of student-led and collective worship experiences, engagement with Scripture, and sharing meals and conversations together in our homes.
Because the boarding aspect of our school community allows us unvarnished access to all facets of each other’s lives, RVA students and staff members have the rare opportunity to work, play, and engage in real life as we walk with Jesus together.

“From a weekly focus on unreached people groups to outreach days to interims, RVA seeks to show students a global perspective and prepare them to serve a world that needs Jesus.” –Mary Howell Hafner, RVA staff member

Community Outreach
We encourage and facilitate opportunities for our students to serve their classmates and engage in meaningful relationships with our broader Kenyan community. Every week students lead and participate in:
- praise chapels
- prayer groups
- mentorship of younger students
- student worship services
- outreach activities to local hospitals
- street ministry
- orphan care
Leadership & Cultural Activities
RVA students further benefit from leadership and cultural opportunities such as:
- National Honor Society
- Model United Nations
- Student Council
- Interim field studies
During the interim trips, all eleventh and twelfth grade students tackle a contemporary African issue while engaging with and learning from the wondrously diverse peoples and landscapes of this continent.