Serving at RVA
Thank you for your interest in serving at Rift Valley Academy. Our school is an exceptional place, with a rich Christian heritage and dynamic ministry. RVA Staff members have the privilege of supporting current mission work in some of the most inaccessible and difficult regions in Africa, as well as investing in the next generation of missionaries. We also have the honor of teaching and serving a small number of Kenyan nationals and non-mission students.
All RVA staff members serve as volunteers, as missionaries under the umbrella of Africa Inland Mission International, and must raise finances through supporting churches, friends, and family. Our staff are primarily AIM members but we also have a number of staff from partner missions, including SIM, World Venture, C-Ten, OM, MAF, CVM and GLO.

“I love learning alongside RVA students. Their passion for the unreached, their vision for the world, their dreams and aspirations, all challenge me to look within and beyond wherever I may live to see where Christ is working and to join Him as He builds His kingdom.” –Mary Howell Hafner, RVA staff member
Staffing Needs
Key Needs for 2025-26
-Academic support coordinator (Special Ed trained)
-JH/HS teachers: Science, English, Swahili, Spanish, Social Studies, Wood Tech, Art
-Elementary teacher
-Medical clinician (RN/NP/PA)
-Maintenance/construction personnel
-HS girls dorm parents, grade 9/10
-HS boys dorm parents, grade 9/10
-JH boys dorm parents, grade 7/8
Ongoing Needs
We are always looking for:
-Qualified teachers
-Dorm parents
-Medical personnel (doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, etc.)
-School-based therapists
-Maintenance/construction personnel
Staffing Process
The following process takes about a year to complete, although the amount of time required can vary widely depending on financial support raising. Some staff members have been able to raise their finances within a couple months, while others may take more than a year.
Through AIM:
- Begin the candidacy process to serve as a missionary through Africa Inland Mission. Contact the Candidate Department of the AIM Mobilizing Unit in your region.
- Complete the AIM application process (documents and interviews and RVA admissions process, if needed).
- Attend the AIM Orientation of your Mobilizing Region.
- Receive official acceptance and assignment from AIM.
- Raise finances.
- Attend Africa-Based Orientation in Kenya, in July.
- Arrive at RVA in early August to allow for adjustment (to set-up house) and to attend RVA New Staff orientation before school begins in late August.
Through a partner organization:
- Contact RVA’s Personnel department (
- Complete the RVA Interest Form and send in your CV/resumes.
- Video call with the Personnel Director.
- Reference checks and admissions process, if needed.
- Second video call with RVA Area Lead/Team Lead.
- An MOU agreement is prepared between RVA and the partner organization.
- Receive official acceptance and assignment from RVA.
- Arrive at RVA in early August to allow for adjustment (to set-up house) and to attend RVA New Staff Orientation before school begins in late August.
Staff Expectations
Staff members should demonstrate a willing and steadfast commitment to the spiritual, social, physical, and emotional well-being of our students.
Faculty members are required to hold teaching certificates in their home country and to be proficient in English. We strongly recommend at least two years of previous classroom experience to give beginning teachers the opportunity to develop classroom management skills and a diverse repertoire of instructional methodologies.
Staff members are required to regularly support weekend activities, in addition to their school week duties. As a boarding school, we are responsible for our students 24/7 for the duration of each term.
“My heart knows without a single shred of doubt that this is the place and purpose to which God has called us. And we will follow hard after His call, pouring all that we are into these students, so that His Name may be proclaimed to the nations, and so that there may be Christ-centered churches among all African peoples.” –Hanna Kingsbury, RVA alum and teacher
RVA Belief Statements
1. Jesus Christ is Lord and therefore central to ministry.
2. God is ultimately responsible for the success and impact of the ministry of RVA.
3. Each person is a unique reflection of the image of God and has been given unique gifts and abilities.
4. A vibrant Christian faith is demonstrated to others through loving words and actions of service that stem from a Christ-like attitude.
5. Integrity, institutional and individual, is essential in all that we do.
6. Maintaining strong and balanced family and interpersonal relationships is essential to fostering a healthy school and ministry environment.
7. Providing quality education for children of missionaries in a safe, caring, and nurturing environment is critical to the ongoing work of missions.
8. God is the source and revealer of all truth; well-designed Christian education enhances one’s ability to think critically from a biblical worldview.
9. A holistic approach to education addresses the intellectual, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual aspects.
10. Genuine community requires an environment where diversity can be appropriately expressed and validated, while unity in the body of Christ is maintained.
Frequent Staffing Questions
What curriculum is provided for students at Rift Valley Academy?
The RVA curriculum is primarily a North American-based course of study. Efforts are also made to support the small number of our missionary students in need of an IGCSE educational program.
For detailed information of RVA’s philosophy regarding its Educational Opportunities, click here.
What does a typical school year look like?
RVA follows a year-round, single track academic schedule. School is in session from August to July each year. We have three terms, each approximately 12 weeks in length, followed by at least a one month holiday break.
Do RVA staff receive a salary?
No. All RVA staff come as volunteer missionaries under the umbrella of Africa Inland Mission and must raise finances through supporting churches, friends, and family. The amount to be raised is independent of responsibilities.
Is there a minimum term of service for staff at RVA?
We strongly encourage our staff to serve at RVA for at least two years. It takes time to adjust to life at RVA, and staff members typically become much more effective in their second year of ministry. However, we do have volunteers who come for one year or even one term (3-4 months) to cover for staff going on Home Assignment.
What is my first step toward serving at RVA?
Your first step is to contact the Candidate department of the AIM Mobilizing Unit in your region. Please visit